Google Campus for Moms & Yazamiyot
A baby-friendly start-up school for new moms, runs by Google & Yazamiyot.
The various sessions were led by successful entrepreneurs, investors, technology experts and more. The sessions covered success stories, finance, legal and presentation skills, in addition to vast tech knowledge. The uniqueness of this program is that we allow participants take care of their babies during the sessions, without missing out on the opportunity to learn and grow.
The Program
Campus for Moms is the winner of Geektime's 2014 award for "Biggest Contribution to the Community".
This is a revolutionary program that was initiated in Israel. It is primarily aimed at women on maternity leave interested in learning more about entrepreneurship. To date, there have been 6 successful cycles in Israel alone, and the program has been implemented around the world with 19 international cycles.
Google and Yazamiyot think maternity leave is an excellent time to develop yourself. Campus for Moms allows women to make the most out of this time by providing physical space and enriching content for learning and networking.
If you're a current or aspiring entrepreneur, or a corporate employee with a track record of internal entrepreneurship and you want to know more about leading a successful business - this is just the place for you.